Join us for the launch of GelatoConnect

drupa 2024 | May 28th - June 7th | Hall 9A | Dusseldorf, Germany

Increase your profit margins by 3%-7% points with the worlds most comprehensive print production platform


Accelerate growth, improve quality, and increase profitability with GelatoConnect

“GelatoConnect can double the profit margin of a PSP, from 3% industry average to 7%"

McKinsey&Company, after analyzing 92 Print Service Providers

Automate and reduce errors

with machine-specific file optimization and gamified quality verification 

Streamline your workforce

with improved planning and less administration 

Reduce procurement spend

by minimizing waste and increasing your buying power with suppliers   

Increase your throughput

by optimizing your volumes and machine capacity

Reduce inventory

with real-time visibility and automated purchase recommendations 

Optimize your logistics costs

with automated selection of best shipping methods


Improve efficiency

Leverage automation to procure raw materials in a more effective and cost-efficient way.

Reduce raw material costs by 5-20%

Access lower-priced, high-quality materials through Gelato’s platform, consolidating suppliers in one system.

Reduce your stock needs by 10-30%

Automated recommendations to optimize your inventory levels, ensuring the right materials are always on hand.



A one-stop-shop for the entire workflow

Manage all your workflow needs from our OEM-agnostic, end-to-end production solution, reducing legacy software spend.

Streamline operations by 5-30%

Seamless order intake, intelligent pre-flight, gamified QC and machine-specific file optimization. Reduce rework by 10-70%

Improve workflow visibility

A comprehensive dashboard coupled with real-time machine tracking offers complete visibility over production.



Add new carriers with ease

We handle all elements of carrier integration, incl. maintenance of APIs, tracking, address verification, creation of shipping labels

Reduce shipping costs  by 15-35%

Access our beneficial distribution rates for shipping and delivery

Optimize performance with analytics

Access to our analytics software to optimize cost, delivery performance and transit times

drupaMeet the GelatoConnect team at drupa Get a demo of GelatoConnect and learn more from our product champions on how GelatoConnect can revolutionize your business
Crowded trade show floorBook your spot for our exclusive Scoop Sessions at drupaThese limited-seat sessions offer a platform for shared learning, invaluable insights, and discussions that will propel the entire print community forward
henrik 1280x720The future is bright Why Gen Z and the creator economy means new opportunity for printersSee Henrik Muller-Hansen, Gelato CEO's keynote speech at the drupa Cube

Can't wait till drupa? Book a meeting with one of our team now

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GelatoConnect media mentions
henrikThe print industry's digital futureIn this epidose, Gelato’s founder discusses the macro trends affecting print’s future and GelatoConnect.
print businessThe most exciting time to be in printPrintBusiness interviews Gelato’s founder to discuss the print industry’s evolution and opportunity.
what they thinkGelato Introduces GelatoConnectCEO and Founder, Henrik Müller-Hansen, explains how GelatoConnect works and its value for print producers.