1. Why is my traffic so low on Etsy?

How to get more traffic on Etsy: 10 strategies for 2024

It takes most marketplaces decades to get on the same level as ecommerce giants like Walmart, but not Etsy. The Etsy marketplace managed to skyrocket in popularity in under ten years and now rivals top sales channels like Amazon just eight years later. As the fourth most popular ecommerce website in the United States, Etsy beat out both Walmart and Target to record the fastest online sales growth in 2021.

The popularity of the Etsy marketplace is welcome news to the platform’s active sellers, who recently surpassed 7.5 million. However, an influx of new storefronts and increased competition across the marketplace has also left some sellers questioning how to get more traffic on Etsy. Fortunately, there are time-tested techniques to direct more customers to your Etsy shop and boost sales!

Discover 10 tactics to capitalize on surging traffic and outperform competition across the Etsy marketplace.

Main takeaways from this article:

  • Despite the general growth across the marketplace, including a rise in active buyers, the increased quantity of active Etsy sellers has created significant platform competition.

  • Poor Etsy storefront traffic can be attributed to several factors, including minimal or outdated product listings and a lack of Etsy search engine optimization (SEO). Other factors include pricing inconsistencies, competition saturation, inefficient shipping methods, and not staying updated with Etsy platform changes.

  • There are several solutions for how to get more traffic on Etsy, ranging from enhancing your product listings to leveraging social media marketing and paid advertisements. Sellers should also understand their target audience, enhance the storefront's appeal, expand product offerings, and analyze Etsy Stats, among other strategies.

  • Incorporating print on demand services like Gelato can help sellers expand their product offerings with low risk, supporting sales growth by catering to a wider audience with high-quality, customizable items.

Why is my traffic so low on Etsy?

Several factors can impact the ability to drive traffic to your Etsy storefront. Take advantage of Etsy Stats, the marketplace’s free analytics tool, to gauge what factors may be influencing your storefront. Etsy Stats will reveal past and current store traffic, where traffic originates from, and how buyers engage with your listings, so you can understand how to fine-tune performance.

As an Etsy seller, you’ll notice the most significant factor that can negatively impact your store traffic is a lack of listings. Simply put, the more items you have listed, the better your chances of shoppers finding your store. It’s vital for Etsy sellers like you to routinely refresh your product lines and set annual product listing goals to ensure you meet or surpass the previous year’s number of product listings.

The second most significant factor in low traffic is poor Etsy search engine optimization (SEO) for product listings and outdated product tags. Without relevant keywords populating your product listings and tags, it’s difficult for buyers to locate your products via the Etsy search bar. The use of Etsy SEO tools, including Etsy Stats, can help you understand a decline in Etsy traffic (and how to improve it).

Other potential factors for low traffic 

Keeping a keen eye on your Etsy shop performance can reveal numerous factors contributing to low traffic. Sometimes, there can be hidden aspects, too, pulling your overall Etsy traffic down. Pricing inconsistencies, competition saturation, inefficient shipping tactics, or even just being unaware of Etsy platform updates could directly impact your traffic. 

Dig a bit deeper to understand if your pricing strategy aligns with the competition's trends, whether it's competitive or veering on the steep side. More so, in a densely populated marketplace like Etsy, it's critical to keep tabs on your competitors' activities, from their marketing tactics to product innovation. 

Inefficient shipping methods, on the other hand, can be a silent kill. High shipping costs or an unpredictably long delivery duration might be directly affecting your conversion rate, leaving your Etsy shop in a low-traffic rut. Therefore, ensuring streamlined shipping practices is crucial. 

Lastly, being attuned to Etsy's platform updates could give you an upper hand. Regular changes in Etsy's algorithm can affect your shop visibility. Ensuring your strategies align with these changes is important for maintaining and increasing your shop's traffic.

How to get more traffic on Etsy: 10 proven tips

When learning how to get more traffic on Etsy, realizing there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution is essential. Like any marketplace, Etsy traffic is multifaceted — some buyers find your storefront on the Etsy platform, while others find you on social media. To get the most bang for your buck on Etsy, address all facets of the marketplace with these 10 tips to drive Etsy traffic.

1. Understand your target audience

Analyzing customer feedback

It’s nearly impossible to drive customers to your Etsy storefront without understanding your target audience. Your target audience refers to the defined group of potential customers or the niche market you plan to sell to. By not understanding who these individuals are, you risk poor return on investment (ROI) for marketing, a decline in customer retention, and less Etsy shop traffic.

When defining your target audience, it’s helpful to start with market research to determine the types of customers who already engage with your business and similar Etsy storefronts. Comb through your brand’s social media following and scroll through related Etsy product listings to gather a variety of key audience demographics, including pain points, buying habits, and spending power.

With a better grasp of your target audience, you can tailor your marketing messaging to develop more effective marketing campaigns that drive new customers to your shop. Beyond marketing efforts, your target audience demographics can also assist during your creative process to help continuously develop new products that spark interest and effectively drive traffic.

2. Optimize your listings

listing optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is not just for sites like Google. To boost visibility and encourage organic traffic for your Etsy shop, it’s important to properly optimize your storefront to rank higher in Etsy search results. To enhance your Etsy SEO, start with the elements of your storefront you can easily modify: the product listings and images that help customers locate your Etsy shop.

Conduct effective keyword research

When constructing product listings, start with keyword research to identify common queries that customers type to locate similar products. Then, use these phrases in the appropriate product descriptions, titles, and Etsy tags. Review your competitor’s listings to identify other related keywords that can be incorporated into your storefront to increase visibility and drive Etsy traffic.

Moreover, be sure to consider long-tail keywords. These are specific phrases that customers use when they're closer to the point of purchase. Though they may have lower search volumes, they often boast higher conversion rates due to their specificity. To craft detailed and effective phrases, consider what your target audience needs and what unique features your products present. The more precisely your keywords align with customer intent, the better your potential for attracting the right visitors and boosting your sales on Etsy.

Optimize product titles and descriptions

The product titles and descriptions on Etsy constitute your product's advertisement space. These are the crucial elements that potential buyers see first and use to make their purchase decisions.

Your product title should include keywords that your potential customers are likely to use when searching. It should be accurate; don't venture into click-bait territory. Misleading titles can lead to unrest among customers and negative reviews. On the other hand, a well-constructed, optimized title can improve your product's visibility on both Etsy and search engines. 

As for your product description, consider it as an opportunity to convince storytelling. Convey your passion for the product and highlight what makes it unique. Also, convince the customer why they should use your product. Remember, people buy emotions, not products. To sweeten the deal, consider sprinkling in some benefits customers would get from purchasing the product. 

Incorporate questions your customer would ask and maintain a friendly, conversational tone rather than a strict sales pitch. Let's not forget that your product description needs to be easily scannable as well. Break the text down into subheadings, lists, or bullet points to improve readability. 

Add high-quality product imagery

Using high-quality product photos is also a crucial Etsy SEO best practice that can help support consistent Etsy store traffic. Whether you offer men’s apparel or home décor, every product listing must be optimized with a collection of high-resolution photos from varying angles and depths. These images will help customers envision your products and the high product quality you offer.

When you're capturing these images, lighting and staging are key. Photos should accurately represent both the color and texture of your product under natural light, and the use of props can provide both scale and context.

Ultimately, your product photos communicate the value and details of your product, playing a pivotal role in influencing purchasing decisions. Strive for professional quality, as well-crafted images can enhance the perceived value of your products, promoting more clicks, shares, and, eventually, sales.

3. Enhance your storefront

Etsy shop branding elements

Though Etsy SEO is a crucial piece of the puzzle, enhancing the quality of your Etsy storefront does not start and stop with product listing optimizations. While Etsy is much more limited in storefront customization than other ecommerce platforms, such as Shopify, you can still use a few tactics to enhance your marketplace storefront and help drive recurring traffic.

Beginning with your storefront’s About Page, provide buyers with an in-depth look into your brand by including your origin story and any relevant, interesting facts that could intrigue customers, like your creative process. You can also provide readers with a FAQ section that addresses common customer inquiries, including questions about store shipping, returns, and exchange policies.

Likewise, include links to your brand’s social media pages, such as Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok, to prompt recurring Etsy traffic and turn one-time buyers into loyal brand followers. Encouraging your target audience to connect with you via social media is a great way to maintain their attention over time and direct them back to your Etsy shop to make repeat purchases.

4. Promote on social media

social media promotion

Social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, have become powerful marketing tools many sellers use to help retain long-term customers and drive consistent traffic into their Etsy shops. This cost-effective marketing strategy can help sellers build a loyal brand following while capturing potential new customers’ attention through recurring product promotions.

However, to reap the benefits of social media marketing, you must remain consistent over time. Continuously interact with followers and share relevant content highlighting your brand to help lock in customer attention, making it easier for you to push them back to your Etsy store. This content can include images, reels, and stories that feature your products and day-to-day operations.

Etsy sellers are also ideal partners for social media influencers who mesh with their niche audience and can promote their products. In exchange for complimentary products or payment, social media influencers can showcase your products to their (often much larger) following to help viewers become aware of your brand and potentially drive new customers toward your Etsy storefront.

5. Become an expert in your niche

Creative networking event

When searching for products that fall into a specific niche, customers prefer to purchase from sellers who understand the space well and can prove to be a trusted resource. That’s why it’s important for Etsy sellers to become experts within their niche — or someone who understands exactly what customers are looking for and how to offer a solution that fits the bill.

As you work towards becoming an expert within your niche, it can be highly beneficial to network with other sellers and entrepreneurs who belong to your niche. From networking events to Facebook groups, there are many ways for you to connect with like-minded individuals and learn more about your niche, ways to improve your products, and how to better connect with customers.

Gaining niche expertise also means securing the right resources for your brand. Business solutions such as Gelato’s print on demand services can streamline production for your Etsy shop and provide your customers with a robust collection of products. Demonstrating niche knowledge alongside extensive product offerings will help you become a trusted contender within your niche.

6. Try paid advertising

paid advertisement

Paid advertising is one of the simplest ways to drive traffic to your Etsy site. Because a vast majority of consumer product searches start on search engines such as Google, Google Ad services are one of the most popular forms of paid advertising. Through Google Ads, store owners can list specific products with underpaid shopping results or promote their storefront with text-based search ads.

Next in line after Google Ads are social media ads; like search engines, many consumers head to social media to gain inspiration for product searches. Popular social media platforms, like Instagram and Facebook, offer paid ad services that can display your products in the social feeds of your target audience. Social ads can even take the shape of shoppable posts that direct traffic to your Etsy shop.

Of course, Etsy also offers its marketplace search engine for consumers to browse for available products, which sellers can utilize for paid advertising. Unlike other marketplace advertisements, paid Etsy ads can appear across various marketplace locations, including Etsy search engine result pages, relevant product categories, and marketplace pages within similar product listings.

7. Share promotions and discounts

Drafting promotional strategy

Sharing details on promotions and discounts is one of the quickest ways to drive traffic to your Etsy store (and encourage an immediate purchase). Customer incentives such as coupon codes, promotional pricing, and loyal member discounts are awesome ways to capture customer attention.

With many online shoppers looking to avoid unwanted purchase costs, free shipping notifications are one of the first incentives customers look for when shopping on Etsy. To drive new traffic without impacting your profit margins, remember to offer free shipping across your entire storefront and tie any necessary shipping costs into the consumer’s final purchase price.

Likewise, the Etsy marketplace allows you to develop promotional sales and discount codes that can be shared with existing social media followers and email subscribers. Plugging limited-time promo codes into your social media and email marketing efforts — or even your paid advertisements — can be highly effective at driving new and existing customer traffic to your Etsy storefront.

8. Expand your product offering

product expansion

As mentioned earlier, a limited quantity of product offerings can impact your Etsy traffic and reduce overall store visibility. Depending on your specific product niche, you may want to consider expanding your product offerings in an effort to reach more customers and build brand loyalty.

If you’re nervous about expanding your inventory without the confidence that new sales will come, partner with a trusted print on demand service like Gelato. Because you only pay for the products you sell, print on demand services are a low-risk, cost-effective method to expand into new product markets while still ensuring streamlined operations and ultimate customer satisfaction.

Men’s clothing, kid’s clothing, phone cases, wall art, and business-related products are just a fraction of the many new product types you can add to your Etsy store using print on demand services. These high-quality products are produced when ordered and shipped directly (and promptly) to your customers to ensure you avoid steep inventory costs and customer satisfaction concerns.

9. Provide outstanding customer service

Excellent Etsy customer service

Good customer service is essential to turn a one-time customer into a repeat customer. Since you only have one chance to make an excellent first impression, your first shot at proper customer service will be how you present your Etsy storefront. Critical details, such as product dimensions, store policies, and product reviews, should be immediately visible for an easy purchase decision.

Beyond the customer’s shopping experience on Etsy, there are several tactics you can deploy to provide outstanding customer service. Following a purchase, one simple customer service technique is to send a quick satisfaction survey and a thank you message. Etsy even provides a convenient messaging platform to reach customers directly beyond email marketing.

You can also encourage a customer to leave a positive review by seeking feedback that can improve operations. Reviews significantly impact shared marketplaces, and the more positive reviews your Etsy business earns, the more traffic you drive. Plus, reliable customer service will always send the right message for buyers to recommend your products and return to your Etsy store.

10. Analyze Etsy stats and adjust

Etsy provides a data analytics tool known as 'Etsy Stats' to help you make data-driven decisions and adjust your strategies accordingly. It's about making visible what's working and what's not, allowing you to keep refining, improving, and tweaking. 

Etsy Stats, found under the 'Shop Manager' menu, offers comprehensive data on various aspects of your online store. You can monitor traffic sources, which tell you where your visitors are coming from - either from within Etsy (internal sources) or from outside Etsy, like social media platforms, search engines, or other websites (external sources). Etsy Stats helps you track and measure vital metrics such as: 

  • Views and visits: This data indicates how many people are looking at your shop and individual listings. A sharp drop in visits might hint toward listing optimization issues - perhaps it's time to re-evaluate your keywords or refresh your product images.

  • Order and revenue: Here, Etsy breaks down which items in your store are generating the most sales and profit, highlighting successful products and those that could benefit from a rethink. Are certain items performing consistently well? Consider promoting or restocking these.

  • Conversion rate: A key indicator of your shop's overall performance, the conversion rate signifies the percentage of visits that lead to a sale. A low conversion rate often suggests potential improvements in product descriptions, pricing, or customer service.

By regularly analyzing these metrics, you can better understand the shopping habits of your customers, spot trends, and adapt your business strategy to meet your customers' evolving needs.

Start boosting Etsy sales with print on demand

With 7.5 million active sellers across the Etsy marketplace alone, it’s no surprise that sales-boosting strategies are essential for staying ahead of the competition and avoiding a dip in Etsy traffic. From becoming an expert within your niche to properly optimizing your storefront and product listings, be sure to refer back to these 10 tips when looking to boost sales and grow your Etsy business.

If you believe a lack of product offerings weighs negatively on your sales, don’t count out a print on demand (POD) service like Gelato. Gelato is an industry-leading POD supplier with a robust catalog of customizable items to expand your product offerings. With local production hubs across 32 countries, we guarantee fast and sustainable delivery options and top-tier customer service.

Discover how to expand your product offerings with Gelato’s high-quality custom products today!

Next steps

Start selling products with Gelato