1. What is RGB?

CMYK vs. RGB: What's best for printing?

RGB vs. CMYK might sound like graphic design jargon, but choosing the correct color mode for your designs and file formats can significantly impact revenue and brand loyalty. Using the right document color mode ensures the printing process doesn’t result in a bunch of tiny dots or a red, green, and blue mess that has your customers turning to competitors for higher-quality prints.

Whether you're a seasoned designer or starting your journey in digital art, understanding the differences between these color spaces could save you time, money, and frustration. Stick around as we dive into the specifics of CMYK and RGB, demonstrating how choosing the correct mode can make your printed artwork look as vibrant on paper as it does on your screen.

Main takeaways from this article:

  • Use an RGB color space for digital materials

  • CMYK file formats are standard for printed materials

  • Inaccurate colors will damage brand loyalty and your store’s bottom line

  • Ordering physical samples and reviewing customer feedback is vital to maintaining color accuracy

  • Set the appropriate color mode (RGB or CMYK) at the start of new projects in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign to ensure accurate color output and prevent issues during printing, with options to select from pre-configured presets or manually choose in dialog boxes.

  • Determine the color mode of existing documents in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign by checking specific menu options or panels within each application.

  • Convert images from RGB to CMYK in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign using specific conversion settings to ensure color accuracy when preparing images for print, like transitioning a digital image for a blog to a t-shirt design.

What is RGB?

RGB stands for Red, Green, and Blue - the color channels used in this model. The RGB color mode uses varying intensities of colored light to create its pigments; as a result, it’s the ideal choice for designs people will see on-screen only.

The RGB color mode is an additive color model, meaning each image starts as pure black. Screens then add red, green, and blue light in varying intensities, saturations, and shades to create a designer's intended colors and (ultimately) produce an image.

Setting each channel to zero results in black, while setting everything to 255 - the maximum saturation value - makes white light. The visible spectrum in between contains nearly 17 million other red-green-blue color combinations!

Going more into specifics, the RGB values for pure black are R:0, G:0, and B:0, meaning that there is absolutely no color intensity on any of the red, green, or blue channels. Conversely, when you have a mix of full intensity for each red, green, and blue—represented as R:255, G:255, B:255—you get the purest form of white.

So, essentially, RGB value assignments control the level of light that comes from your device's screen, mixing different intensities to create a distinctive shade of color that your eyes perceive.

When to use the RGB color mode

Colorful digital artwork

You should use the RGB color mode when you're creating content that will be displayed on electronic devices with screens. This includes:

  • Websites: RGB is used in all website visuals, from product images to background colors.

  • Social media graphics: Eye-catching graphics for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter should all be created in RGB mode.

  • App interfaces: The buttons, icons, and other visual elements within an app rely on RGB for their vibrancy.

  • Digital presentations: Slide decks and other presentations intended for digital projectors or screens should use RGB for optimal color display.

  • E-books and digital documents: While some e-readers might have limited color capabilities, RGB is the standard mode for eBooks and other digital documents.

Remember, RGB mode works by adding colored light to create the final image. This method is ideal for self-illuminating displays because it can produce a wider range of colors than CMYK.

What is CMYK?

CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and BlacK (okay, okay - technically, it’s “Key,” but the color’s easier to remember, so just roll with us here). When added to a pure white image, these colors mask others: cyan absorbs red, magenta absorbs green, yellow absorbs blue, and black absorbs everything. This color absorption is why the CMYK color model is known as a subtractive process.

Graphic designers set the intensity of each CMYK channel to produce their desired colors. However, no cyan, magenta, and yellow combination results in a deep, rich black, so designers use the K value to set the overall darkness of a given color in print files.

For the color black in the CMYK model, the ideal setting is 0% Cyan, 0% Magenta, 0% Yellow, and 100% Black (K). This is often called 'true black' or 'rich black.' However, if a deep, intense black is preferred, especially for large areas, values of 100% Cyan, 100% Magenta, 100% Yellow, and 100% Black (also known as '400% black') may be used with caution as it can lead to issues with over-inking.

For the color white, the CMYK value is 0% for all four components, meaning no ink is applied to the paper, allowing the white of the chosen paper stock to represent the color.

When to use the CMYK color mode

3Color accuracy impacts your profitability

You should use the CMYK color mode when designing something that will be physically printed on a material like paper, fabric, or plastic. Here are some specific examples:

  • Printed marketing materials: Brochures, flyers, posters, and business cards all rely on CMYK for accurate color reproduction.

  • Custom printed products: T-shirts, mugs, phone cases, and other personalized items use CMYK inks to achieve vibrant colors.

  • Packaging design: The boxes, labels, and other packaging elements for your products should be designed in CMYK mode.

  • Magazines and newspapers: All the colorful illustrations and photographs you see in printed publications are a product of CMYK printing.

  • Stationery: Letterheads, envelopes, and other branded stationery should use CMYK colors for a consistent brand image.

The key thing to remember is that CMYK relies on inks to subtract colors from white light. This subtractive process works best for physical printing because it creates a wider range of printable colors compared to RGB on screens.

CMYK files vs. RGB files

4Best practices for ensuring accurate print colors

Creating your design using the appropriate color mode is only one part of the equation. You must also know which file types work with RGB vs. CMYK color modes to choose the correct file format to save and share your designs. Selecting the wrong file format can compromise color accuracy and even trash your design.


PNGs, or Portable Network Graphics, are a common format for storing and transmitting digital image files. One of this file’s significant advantages is its ability to produce a transparent background, making it ideal for layered designs.

However, PNGs do not support the CMYK color mode, which means a print design created in the CMYK color space will be converted to RGB colors when saved as a PNG, resulting in compromised color data.


The JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) primarily supports the RGB color mode and is arguably the best-known file format for photos and other digital images.

While creating a JPEG using the CMYK mode is possible, many applications reject such files. Others will attempt to convert it to the RGB color mode, introducing color accuracy issues. Creating your digital graphics in an RGB color space is best if you plan to distribute them via JPEG.


A PSD, or Photoshop Document, can support a CMYK or RGB color mode. However, because graphic designers primarily use PSDs to transmit and store digital images, PSDs are most commonly used as RGB files.


A PDF (Portable Document Format) is a versatile file type. Although a PDF can support either a CMYK color mode or an RGB color mode, they’re ideal for sharing CMYK files because they are compatible with many programs and applications.

How to set color modes for new projects

To achieve stunning, accurate prints, it's important to know how to set the right color mode for your projects right from the start. This will ensure a seamless workflow and prevent any surprising issues when it's time to print.

Here, we'll examine how to adjust the color mode in widely used design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign.

Setting color mode in Adobe Photoshop

  1. Launch Photoshop and head to the File menu.

  2. Click on New to create a new document.

  3. In the New Document dialog box, locate the Color Mode section.

  4. From the dropdown menu, choose either RGB or CMYK, depending on your project's destination (screen or print).

  5. Once you've selected the desired mode, click Create to establish your document with the chosen color space.

Setting color mode in Adobe Illustrator

  1. Open Illustrator and navigate to the File menu.

  2. Select New to create a fresh document.

  3. Within the New Document window, find the Color Mode section.

  4. From the dropdown menu, pick RGB or CMYK based on your project's requirements.

  5. After making your selection, click OK to create your new document in the chosen color mode.

Setting color mode in Adobe InDesign

  1. Fire up InDesign and head to the File menu.

  2. Click on New Document to initiate a new project.

  3. In the New Document window, locate the Document Presets section.

  4. Here, you'll find pre-configured options for various document types, including Print and Web. Choose the preset that aligns with your project's purpose (e.g., Print Brochure or Web Banner). These presets automatically set the color mode to CMYK for print and RGB for web-based projects.

  5. Alternatively, if you don't want to use a preset, locate the Color Mode section within the same window and choose RGB or CMYK from the dropdown menu.

  6. After making your selection, click Create to establish your new document using the chosen color mode.

Determining if your document is in RGB or CMYK mode

Unsure if your existing design is in RGB or CMYK mode? No worries, these handy steps will help you identify the color mode in a flash:

Checking color mode in Adobe Photoshop

Here's how you can check the color mode in Adobe Photoshop:

  1. Open your Photoshop document.

  2. Navigate to Image > Mode.

  3. A dropdown menu will display the document's current color mode (either RGB or CMYK).

Checking color mode in Adobe Illustrator

To check the current color mode in Adobe Illustrator:

  1. Open your Illustrator document.

  2. Go to Window > Document Info (or press F8 on your keyboard).

  3. In the Document Info panel, locate the Color Mode section. It will display either RGB or CMYK.

Checking color mode in Adobe InDesign

Here's how you can check the color mode in Adobe InDesign:

  1. Open your InDesign document.

  2. Click on the document tab at the top of the workspace.

  3. A small window will appear displaying document properties. Look for the Color Mode section, which indicates either RGB or CMYK.

Converting images from RGB to CMYK

Artist adjusting color settings

The best time to make your RGB vs. CMYK decision is before you (or your graphic designer) begin working on a piece. Switching your color mode after completing a design will alter the primary colors used in your image. Still, you may run into situations where you want to change the color mode of an image. For example, you'd need an RGB mode to CMYK mode conversion to put an image created for your blog onto a t-shirt and have the colors remain true to their source.

Converting color mode in Adobe Photoshop

  1. Open your RGB image in Photoshop.

  2. Navigate to Image > Mode > CMYK.

  3. A dialog box with conversion options might appear. You can choose different conversion methods depending on your desired color balance. In most cases, the default settings will produce good results.

  4. Click OK to confirm the conversion.

Converting color mode in Adobe Illustrator

  1. Open your RGB image in Illustrator.

  2. Go to Edit > Edit Colors (or press Shift+Ctrl+K on Windows/Shift+Cmd+K on Mac).

  3. In the Edit Colors window, choose the CMYK option from the Mode dropdown menu.

  4. You can adjust conversion settings like black point and saturation before confirming.

  5. Click OK to convert the image to CMYK.

Converting color mode in Adobe InDesign

  1. Place your RGB image into your InDesign document.

  2. Select the image with the cursor tool.

  3. Go to Object > Convert Color (or press Shift+Ctrl+K on Windows/Shift+Cmd+K on Mac).

  4. In the Convert Color window, choose CMYK from the Mode dropdown menu.

  5. You can experiment with conversion settings for optimal results.

  6. Click OK to apply the CMYK conversion to your image.

Always review the converted image after the process to ensure the colors are within your acceptable range. You might need to make slight adjustments to maintain color accuracy.

Best practices for ensuring accurate print colors

Checking printed color accuracy

Use these strategies and tools to choose the best color mode for your product design.

Use reliable design software

Programs like Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator are critical investments for any designer. They offer robust color management features that help maintain color accuracy from design to print, often including a Pantone matching system and swatch libraries that feature CMYK, RGB, and Pantone colors. Using these swatches is another way to maintain design and color consistency that can help reinforce your brand.

Web-based options like Canva and Gelato’s Design Editor are great alternatives that provide many key design features at a fraction of the cost. Using Gelato’s Design Editor, you can:

  • Create layered designs

  • Import and store existing image files

  • Add custom shapes and text to your designs

You can hit the ground running with a premade layout or start fresh with a blank page. If you don’t have quite the right pic in your own files, tap into Gelato’s integration with Getty Images and Shutterstock to access millions of beautiful photographs and images you can use with your designs.

If you’re applying your graphic to a t-shirt, poster, or other item, you can check out a real-life mockup of your product to ensure everything looks just right. You can even see a 3D render of your finished item for products like coffee mugs.

Order samples

Ordering product samples is an important milestone in your design process: the finish line is in sight when you can physically hold something you designed! And because even the most robust design tools can’t account for the many real-world variables your product will encounter, there’s no substitute for ordering and reviewing a physical sample of your product.

First and foremost, use your sample to verify the accuracy of your colors. Did everything come over the way you expected it to? Even if you’ve correctly formatted your print file with CMYK colors, remember that monitors display an RGB image, so there may be slight variances you want to address. You should also verify the accuracy of your colors under various lighting conditions.

Finally, double-check that the material you’re printing on hasn’t materially affected your colorization. If you’re printing posters, this means checking that your selected paper type and finish aren’t causing any issues. For T-shirts, confirm that you’re happy with the final design placement and that your colors are consistent with previous shirt designs.

Don’t get discouraged if you find unexpected color issues with your sample product. All this means is that you saved yourself the expense of tossing or discounting your product's entire run. Head back to your design editor and make any necessary adjustments, then order a new sample to confirm your changes did the trick.

Gelato’s print on demand process means you only pay when an item is produced, helping you keep sampling costs low and maximize your profit.

Monitor customer feedback

Customer reviews are invaluable for ongoing quality control. Although the occasional glance at your product ratings can serve as a valuable pulse-check for customer satisfaction, it’s essential to read reviews and address any significant issues regularly, especially regarding color accuracy.

Believe it or not, promptly responding to a problem - whether through individual customer outreach or a change to your product based on feedback - can help improve customer loyalty more than a transaction that didn’t run into any issues. If the customer is willing, you might even consider offering them some discount or an item from your store in return for detailed feedback on what you can improve.

Making customer satisfaction a cornerstone of your brand identity is a powerful way to differentiate yourself from competitors.

Sell custom products with vibrant and accurate print colors

RGB vs. CMYK is an important decision, but it doesn’t have to be a complicated one. If you’re selling printed products, use the CMYK color mode on your design software. Doing so ensures that your final product will be the closest possible representation of your design file and original concept. Delivering products with print colors that match what customers see online is a critical way to drive and maintain customer satisfaction with your products.

Whether you’re selling custom clothing, wall art, drinkware, phone cases, or calendars, Gelato is your ideal partner. They have the tools to bring your custom-printed designs beautifully with accurate colors. As your business grows, Gelato is ready to scale to meet your demand.

Plus, Gelato enables localized production of your on-demand products on a global scale. With 130+ local production partners in 32 countries, Gelato has the world’s largest network for production on demand.

Learn how easy selling your custom products online can be with Gelato today.


Why is CMYK used instead of RGB?

CMYK color model is used rather than RGB primarily for printing purposes. Printers use CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key/Black) ink colors, which work through a subtractive process, making a wider range of colors as more hues are added. RGB, a light-based additive color model, is suited for digital screen display, not for print.

When would you use CMYK?

You'd typically use CMYK for any print project where color accuracy is paramount. This may include marketing and promotional materials, brochures, catalogs, and books. CMYK is the standard color model for commercial printing and jobs that demand precise color matching, such as corporate branding or logo reproductions. Therefore, if you're preparing your artwork for physical printing, CMYK is the go-to color mode.

Why should RGB never be used for print?

Printing an RGB image isn't advisable because many RGB colors don't translate well to CMYK printers. Because these colors are outside the color gamut, most commercial printers don't accept RGB files. 

Some printers do convert RGB to CMYK automatically, but be warned: the results often vary. The converted CMYK colors can appear dull and lose some details compared to the original RGB.


Next steps

Start selling products with Gelato